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3.20 PTU Mining Updates

Hey folks! There are some significant mineral distribution changes coming with Alpha 3.20 which means I’ve got an updated set of cheatsheets for you all. I also just published a video outlining some of the major changes that you can expect to see in PTU and into the eventual live release of Star Citizen Alpha 3.20.

These will eventually replace the current mining cheatsheets once they release to Live, but if you would like a copy of the PTU versions they can be found at the following links:

The key updates coming up with 3.20 are:

  • Mineral Distribution Changes – Rocks can now only spawn one or two Tier 2 elements, leaving a better chance for Tier 1’s and Quantainium.
  • Instability Updates – Instability is now an additive factor based on the total material. It was previously a weighted average. This means that small rocks should be more manageable, and larger rocks might present unique challenges.
  • Hadanite Mining might be back, although the ROC is bugged in the latest PTU build.

Watch the video above for more information!

I just steer this thing.

3 thoughts on “3.20 PTU Mining Updates

  1. heard rumors that you can upgrade prospector bags from the mole to increase prospector load size, is this true and how do you do it. I have tried to take off bags from prospector but they didn’t highlight. Do you have a fix or is it 3.20???

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