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Alpha 3.0 PTU Testing

I got my invite for the Alpha 3.0 PTU last night and jumped on to see everything new in 3.0! Check out my recorded livestream of the event, and the screenshots of my gorgeous Sabre Raven that came as part of the Intel Optane Promo!

I just steer this thing.

8 thoughts on “Alpha 3.0 PTU Testing

  1. Is CEDAR making a comeback in 3.0? Love the profile, just wondering if/when we’ll see it for 3.0 update.

    1. I’ve had a version of CEDAR planned but not quite finished. A lot of the key bindings are being shuffled around, and I’m debating how much the new inner thought system will completely replace.

      1. I don’t mean to rush you if you are still working on it, but I’m wondering if you have abandoned CEDAR for SC 3.0 and beyond? I hope you haven’t, as you’ve had the best profiles out there. Is there anything I/we can do to help? I’m not a VA pro but I might be able to help out somehow. I know we all miss the CEDAR profile!

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